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Document and Entity Information
Financial Statements
Consolidated Statement of Financial Position
Consolidated Statement of Operations
Consolidated Statement of Comprehensive Income/Loss (-)
Consolidated Statement of Changes in Equity
Consolidated Statement of Cash Flows
Consolidated Statement of Cash Flows, Current Financial Investments
Notes to Financial Statements
General information
Summary of significant transaction
Significant accounting policies
Critical accounting judgments and key sources of estimation uncertainty
Segment information
Total revenues and other income
Operating costs
Staff costs
Fair value re-measurement of share subscription agreement and warrants granted to Gilead
Other financial income / expenses
Income Taxes
Income/loss (-) per share
Intangible assets
Property, plant and equipment
Other non-current assets
Research and Development incentives receivables
Trade and other receivables and other current assets
Current financial investments
Cash and cash equivalents
Share capital
Deferred tax
Lease liabilities
Trade and other liabilities
Deferred income
Discontinued operations
Operating Cash Flow
Off-balance sheet arrangements
Contingent assets and liabilities
Share based payments
Related parties
Consolidated companies as of December 31, 2020
Financial risk management
Auditor's remuneration
Events after balance sheet date
Accounting Policies
Significant accounting policies (Policies)
Notes Tables
Significant accounting policies (Tables)
Segment information (Tables)
Total revenues and other income (Tables)
Operating costs (Tables)
Staff costs (Tables)
Fair value re-measurement of share subscription agreement and warrants granted to Gilead (Tables)
Other financial income / expenses (Tables)
Income Taxes (Tables)
Income/loss (-) per share (Tables)
Intangible assets (Tables)
Property, plant and equipment (Tables)
Other non-current assets (Tables)
Research and Development incentives receivables (Tables)
Trade and other receivables and other current assets (Tables)
Cash and cash equivalents (Tables)
Share capital (Tables)
Deferred tax (Tables)
Lease liabilities (Tables)
Trade and other liabilities (Tables)
Deferred income (Tables)
Discontinued operations (Tables)
Operating Cash Flow (Tables)
Off-balance sheet arrangements (Tables)
Share based payments (Tables)
Related parties (Tables)
Consolidated companies as of December 31, 2020 (Tables)
Financial risk management (Tables)
Notes Details
General information (Details)
Summary of significant transaction (Details)
Significant accounting policies (Details)
Significant accounting policies - Intangible Assets (Details)
Significant accounting policies - Property, Plant and Equipment (Details)
Significant accounting policies - Employee Benefits (Details)
Significant accounting policies - Segment Reporting (Details)
Critical accounting judgments and key sources of estimation uncertainty - IFRS 15 – Revenue recognition Gilead (Details)
Segment information (Details)
Segment information - Major customers (Details)
Segment information - Non-current assets by location (Details)
Total revenues and other income - Disaggregation of revenues (Details)
Total revenues and other income - Revenue by collaboration and by category of revenue (Details)
Total revenues and other income - Allocation of transaction price (Details)
Total revenues and other income - Schedule of the revenue recognition of upfront payments, license fees and milestone payments and the impact of the adoption of IFRS 15 (Details)
Total revenues and other income - Summary of other income (Details)
Operating costs - Summary of research and development expenditure (Details)
Operating costs - Summary of research and development expenditure by program (Details)
Operating costs - Summary of sales and marketing expenses (Details)
Operating costs - Summary of general and administrative expenses (Details)
Staff costs (Details)
Fair value re-measurement of share subscription agreement and warrants granted to Gilead - Financial assets (Details)
Other financial income / expenses (Details)
Income Taxes - Summary of income tax recognized (Details)
Income Taxes - Schedule of tax liabilities (Details)
Income Taxes - Summary of income tax reconciliation (Details)
Income Taxes - Narrative (Details)
Income/loss (-) per share (Details)
Intangible assets (Details)
Property, plant and equipment - Fully Owned (Details)
Property, plant and equipment - Right of Use (Details)
Property, plant and equipment - Carrying Amount (Details)
Other non-current assets - Summary (Details)
Other non-current assets - Financial assets held at fair value through profit or loss (Details)
Research and Development incentives receivables - Current and non-current (Details)
Research and Development incentives receivables - Maturities (Details)
Trade and other receivables and other current assets (Details)
Current financial investments (Details)
Cash and cash equivalents (Details)
Cash and cash equivalents - Narrative (Details)
Share capital - Reconciliation (Details)
Share capital - History (Details)
Share capital - History - Narrative (Details)
Share capital - Capital increase (Details)
Share capital - Other information (Details)
Deferred tax - Summary of deferred tax assets and liabilities (Details)
Deferred tax - Narrative (Details)
Lease liabilities (Details)
Trade and other liabilities (Details)
Deferred income (Details)
Deferred income - Movement in the non-current and current deferred income (Details)
Discontinued operations (Details)
Discontinued operations - Financial performance (Details)
Discontinued operations - Assets and liabilities (Details)
Discontinued operations - Assets and liabilities (Details 2)
Operating Cash Flow (Details)
Off-balance sheet arrangements (Details)
Contingent assets and liabilities (Details)
Share based payments - Subscription right plans (Details Textual)
Share based payments - Summary of subscription rights outstanding and exercisable (Details)
Share based payments - Rollforward (Details)
Share based payments - Valuation (Details)
Share based payments - Category (Details)
Share based payments - Summary of RSU's outstanding (Details)
Share based payments - Restricted stock units - Rollforward (Details)
Share based payments - Restricted stock units - Category (Details)
Share based payments - Restricted stock units (RSU's) (Details Textual)
Related parties - Narrative (Details)
Related parties - Summary of remuneration package (Details)
Consolidated companies as of December 31, 2020 (Details)
Financial risk management - Financial risk factors (Details)
Financial risk management - Aging of Debtors (Details)
Financial risk management - Interest rate risk and foreign exchange risk (Details)
Auditor's remuneration (Details)
Events after balance sheet date (Details)
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